Members of the public wishing to attend the meeting are advised to allow approximately 20 minutes in order to pass through security

Tuesday 19 November 2013

2.15pm, Grimond Room, Portcullis House

This is the second evidence session for the Committee’s inquiry into Government foreign policy towards the United States. It will allow the Committee to question, first, representatives of a major business organisation about UK-US commercial relations and the proposed Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP); and, second, the UK’s most recent former Ambassador to Washington about UK-US relations more broadly.


At 2.15pm

  • Mr Jeffries Briginshaw, Managing Director (London), BritishAmerican Business
  • Ms Elisabeth Roderburg, TTIP Adviser, BritishAmerican Business

At approx. 3.00pm

  • Sir Nigel Sheinwald GCMG, Visiting Professor, Department of War Studies, Kings College London; UK Ambassador to Washington 2007-2012